Small status update


I hope everyone is doing well during the pandemic.

There are no build updates yet. My main character artist hasn't been feeling well. I want her to rest up and get better before she continues with any assets.

Most of the original story has been re-added to the first chapter. I have not added a live build for this as not all the art assets have been finished. If people would like to see future versions even with missing character assets just to see the progression, let me know.

Thanks for the support and I hope you will continue to be patient as I get this sorted out. I also pay my artists out of my own pocket, so it takes me time to save money from my current job to give to my friends. Regardless of the size of this project, I want everyone to be paid properly. If I ever do a Patreon or Kickstarter, I want to first make sure that I'm happy with chapter one to showcase as an example.

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Take your time! Paying artists out of pocket is challenging, I don't think people realize how expensive art is! (as it should be, but still). A kickstarter may be a great idea after the first chapter completes. :) I hope everything works out, i'll be continuing to lurk for updates haha. 

Stay safe!


Thank you for understanding!

And definitely. I'm also an artist, so I understand how difficult it can be and how much time is put into each piece.

I also will be getting surgery at the beginning of next month, so doctors visits and other things have been taking up my time recently.


Preparing for surgery always sucks so much. I hope yours goes well for you and that you turn out safe! Health comes before all else, so don't feel too pressured about the game!